Ruqayyah Abdulla (MNIMH, M.Sc., B.Sc., B.A., PG.Dip, DIC.) is a fully qualified and insured Medical Herbalist and member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, with 15 years health care experience. Prior to GINKGO, she ran the North London Clinic of Herbal Medicine, with clinics in Highgate and Muswell Hill and was Associate Editor of the peer reviewed Journal of Herbal Medicine.
Ruqayyah’s practice draws upon both the latest scientific research and clinical trials, as well as the very rich evidence base of thousands of years of traditional use of plant based medicines. She is passionate about the use of natural medicines to support the body’s innate healing ability and is always happy to work alongside and in collaboration with orthodox medical professionals.
Ruqayyah has a first class degree in Herbal Medicine, as well as a master’s degree from Imperial College. Her training involved an intensive four years of study and over 500 hours of clinical training at the Stratford Centre for Herbal Medicine, Whipps Cross Hospital and The Haven. The study of anatomy and physiology, orthodox clinical and differential diagnosis, phytochemistry (plant biochemistry) and pharmacology, were all crucial elements of her training.
As well as running herbal medicine clinics from GINKGO, Ruqayyah can often be found on the shop floor, where she is always happy to chat to customers and ‘geek out’ on all things herbal and natural health related. She also loves a variety of creative pursuits and will take any excuse to up-cycle for a new window display!
A slightly unconventional journey to GINKGO...!
Safiyyah has a degree in Physics from Imperial College London, specialising in space-based 3-D imaging and mapping. She has since worked on an extensive range of Science Communication and Outreach programmes based at Imperial, UCL and King's College London, as well as editing Maths and Physics content at a leading Oxford based digital publisher. Safiyyah has also worked at the BBC as an Assistant Producer, overseeing and developing editorial content commissions.
However, having suffered with health issues for a number of years, she took the decision to look for a natural means of managing and coping with her health. Safiyyah experienced first-hand the powerful and transformative benefits of herbal medicines and the incredible body of scientific research to back them. Passionate about wanting alternative remedies more widely understood and accessible, she hopes GINKGO will be a platform for sharing and engaging in the benefits of natural medicines.
Our behind the scenes whizz - Safiyyah now uses her experience in digital design and production to direct online content and branding at GINKGO. Always up for a good natter, she loves chatting with visitors about new recipes and amazing teas. In her spare time, Safiyyah is never happier than when she’s busy rustling something healthy up in the kitchen or out on a long country walk in her wellies!